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Ruth Edith Hagengruber

Hagengruber, holds a chair in Philosophy at Paderborn University. She studied philosophy and the history of natural sciences at the Ludwig Maximilian-University in Munich and in Naples, Italy. She received her doctoral degree in 1993 with a dissertation on the philosophy of Tommaso Campanella. Her habilitation was in Philosophy of Economics [1]. She continued her research in information management [2,3] and published Philosophy’s Relevance in Information Science[4], In 2006, she founded the teaching and research areas EcoTechGender and History of Women Philosophers and Scientists From 2011-2019 she served in the advisory board of the Munich Center of Technology in Society MCTS, in 2011 she became lifetime member of the International Association of Information Science [5,6]; in 2015 she was awarded the Wiener-Schmidt Preis der Gesellschaft für Kybernetik und System Theorie, Berlin; in 2016 she received the research fellowship for digital learning, and became elected member of the Leibniz-Societät in Berlin. In 2021, the DFG founded conference Defining the Future, Rethinking the Past takes place reflecting from a feminist point of view the necessary changes in Economics, Technology, Environment, and Food [7]. Hagengruber’s research is dedicated to the revision of a patriarch history. She published on value theory in Feminist Economics [8] and reflects on technical design, such as autonomous driving, a different approach to labour and asks for an acknowledgment of creative skills [9]. She is currently preparing a volume on Mensch, Maschine, Muse [10].

Selected Relevant Publications:

[1] Hagengruber, R. (2000) Nutzen und Allgemeinheit. Zu einigen grundlegenden Prinzipien der Praktischen Philosophie, Academia, Sankt Augustin, 2000.

[2] Hagengruber, R (2005) Mapping the Multitude. Categories in a Process Ontology, in Althoff, Klaus-Dieter et al. (Hgg.): Professional Knowledge Management Experiences and Visions. 3rd Conference WM 2005. Berlin u.a.: Springer.

[3] Hagengruber, R & Riss, U (2007) Knowledge in Action, in Stuart, Susan & Dodig-Crnkovic, Gordana (Hgg.): Computation, Information, Cognition. The Nexus and the Liminal. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 134-147.

[4] Hagengruber R & Riss, U (2014) Philosophy, Computing and Information Science. London: Pickering & Chatto.

[5] Ess, Charles & Hagengruber R (2011) The Computational Turn: Past, Presents, Futures? Münster: MV-Wissenschaft;

[8] Hagengruber, R (2015) Measuring the Value of Women. A Feminist Analysis of Economic Categories and Thought. In: Boston Stud. Philosophy, Vol. 317, Vassallo, Nicla and Amoretti, Maria C. (eds): Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science. Springer International Publishing, 171-183.

[9] Hagengruber, R (2017) Creative Algorithms and the Construction of Meaning. In: Pietsch, W., u.a. Berechenbarkeit der Welt? Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 333-343.

[10] Hagengruber, R (2018) „Mensch, Maschine, Muse. Über Arbeit im digitalen Zeitalter“, 29.10.2018: in: Industry of Things. /

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