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Andrea Borghini

I am Associate Professor in Philosophy at the University of Milan, Italy, and director of Culinary Mind, an international research center for the philosophy of food. In my work I develop new theoretical tools to rethink how we speak, structure, sense, and feel about food, eating, and culinary culture. Specific topics of research include hunger and appetite, place, and biodiversity. My research sits at the intersection of theory, value, and practice. Though grounded in philosophy, I collaborate with a wide spectrum of scholars in the natural and social sciences, as well as food practitioners. Previously (2007-2017), I was Associate Professor in Philosophy at the College of the Holy Cross, in Massachusetts (USA). Past visiting faculty appointments include Bryn Mawr College, SUNY Buffalo, University of Turin, and University of Gastronomic Sciences.

1. Brill’s Companion to the Philosophy of Biology: Entities, Processes, Implications (with Elena Casetta), Brill, Leiden, 2019, ISBN: 978-90-04-38308-1

2. Recipes and Philosophy: Taste, Value, Identity (with Patrik Engisch), Bloomsbury, London [scheduled publication November 2021]

3. 'Cooking and Dining as Forms of Public Art' (with Andrea Baldini), Food, Culture & Society, scheduled publication for August 2022 issue

4. 'A Gradient Framework for Wild Foods' (with Nicola Piras and Beatrice Serini), Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84. DOI:

5. 'Ontological Frameworks for Food Utopias' (with Nicola Piras and Beatrice Serini), Rivista di estetica 75 (2020): 120-142

6. 'Ordinary Biodiversity: The Case of Food,' in E. Casetta, J. Marques da Silva, and D. Vecchi (eds.) From Assessing to Conserving Biodiversity: Conceptual and Practical Challenges, New York: Springer, 2019: 415-433

7. 'What Is a Recipe?,' Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 28 (2015): 719-738

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